Making NO apologies for stating what is obvious to me, but may be oblivious to others.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Here's Your Free Reading
I work with someone who is training to become a "medium", and the other day I asked him to do a reading of know for shits and giggles to see if he was just full of crap or if there was any kind of truth to what he would say. I am a huge skeptic of this type of thing, because of the vagueries involved with it. I have to say though...despite the vague sounding words he told me they sounded anything but vague. He basically saw a vision of me at a cross roads and in the middle of the intersection was a hole in the ground that had fresh dirt covering it and that this place has been revisited numerous times because I keep digging up something and reburying something that I am not allowing myself to move from, and that there are a lot of hurt feelings I am harboring inside of me from a few different sources. Sadly, the digging up could be several things and he could not be more specific. He went on to say that he could count the number of people that have seen and know "the real me" on one of his hands and as he kept going into more personal stuff (that I won't go into detail about on here) he kind of snapped back and looked at me and told me he couldn't go on any further because my psychic energy blocked him from going any further. I thought it was kind of I believe it...yes and no. I believe there is some merit to some of it all, and it is part of his religion, so I am not going to bash it in any way. It did give me some things to think about, and it kind of makes me think that it is time to change my way of thinking about things in life that I have a negative feeling towards because of some bad experience I should have gotten over a long time ago. He also mentioned that maybe I should write some of these things down in order to release them, so I think that is what I will do.
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