Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Not on MY Plane FATASS! was bound to happen sooner or later...weight scales at the ticket counter at the airport and extra charges for the fat asses who insist on flying commercial instead of cargo. Okay, so this has happened yet, except sort of on Southwest Airlines, where people of a certain girth are required to buy two tickets if they can't put the armrest down. Would it be such a bad thing? Really? I mean, seeing as how it is politically incorrect to make fun of this, I will just be mean about it. I am ALL for scales being placed at the ticket counter, and I am all for people being required to buy two seats...especially if they are carrying the weight of two people. I can't tell you how many times I have had to endure a three hour flight sitting next to some big ass mofo drenched in Designer imposter perfume that makes me sick, who is spilling over into my seat. Seriously? [Bloomberg]

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