Making NO apologies for stating what is obvious to me, but may be oblivious to others.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Sickly in Seattle
So, I went to Seattle for New Year's this year to see my friend Greg. On my trip out there, I had the pleasure of sitting next to a man that had the sick. He was caughing, and snotty, and just gross all over. Fifteen minutes to land he decided he wanted to know where I was from and I told him. That started a conversation...a conversation that I regret ever having. Upon my return to Texas, I started feeling bad and it developed into some sort of flulike something or other. I was in misery for two days and thought putting a bullet in my brain would surely be less painful than the sick. I am much better now, but it seems I have infected others. Greg is now sick, and my friend Amy has also come down with it, and I do believe a couple other people in my office are coming down with it. That will teach me to talk to strangers on a plane.
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