Making NO apologies for stating what is obvious to me, but may be oblivious to others.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Being a TRUE Adult Sucks!
and not even in a good way. So, my new job has me working from 9-6 everyday...I used to work 8-5 and I have realized that I am an 8-5 person. I get up, go to work, go to the gym, go home and make dinner, sit and watch tv for a few minutes, take a shower, lay in bed talking on the phone until I pass out. I have had like ZERO time to write on here and I have REALLY let it all kind of go for the past few weeks and I am going to play a steady game of catch up here in the next couple of weeks...hopefully. I have missed writing and making comments on all of the latest going's on, but at the same time I don't miss it. At my old job, I sat idle quite a bit and had time to write and carry on about stupid stuff. Not so much anymore. I had a phone interview with a company in California yesterday and the interview went really well and he moved me to the second round of interviews. I am excited about the possibility of making a huge change to my life by moving to least for a little bit. What else has been going on? I am doing contract work for my old job today so I will have some free time to be dumb and write on here...hopefully.
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