Friday, November 09, 2007

Time For A Change

I wanted to let everyone know that I am going to be taking a break from blogging for a little bit...hopefully not more than a week or two, as I transition into a new job. My new job is going to keep me from blogging during the day, so I am going to have to be the Johnny Come Lately and blog about everything after everyone else already has. At any rate, things will get back on a regular track as soon as I can get them that way. Thanks for all the well wishes...I think I am may need them. I really am going to miss my job and all of the ladies I work with on a daily basis. They have turned into a second family for me and I love all of them so very much. My days would have been dark, dreary, and rather dull if it were not for them, and I want to thank them for their friendship, ears, and laughter.

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