Making NO apologies for stating what is obvious to me, but may be oblivious to others.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Jenny Lopez...How Far She Has To Fall
Poor ole Jenny Lopez. The knocked up with twins Latina just cannot seem to get a break these days. Her ill-conceived movie, "El Cantante", with her biology class skeleton of a husband fell flat as Debra Messing's chest (and bitch still owes for those limo rides to the premieres), and now it is being reported by Page Six that her latest incarnation (that she apparently hoped would be the vehicle to deliver her an Oscar...HA...Beyonce isn't getting one and neither are you Jenny) "Bordertown", where she plays some reporter probing deaths of women in some Mexican factory, is apparently heading straight to release on DVD. If that ain't embarassing, I don't know what it. That is like all the damn sequels and prequels to "Bring It On" and "Cruel Intentions". More bad news for the girl is that her record label is considering dropping her because her albums don't sell as much money as they spend to produce them. Hair and makeup for the cover cost $60,000 alone. WHAT!?!?!?!?!? $60,000 and she still looks like a hit mess? Have you seen that cover? I swear to Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior...I could have done that cover for $60. Spramp that bitch with some misty water mixed with some glitter, set up my Lasko oscillating fan on high, stick a mirror in front of her face, add some Love My Lips lipstick in pink paisley and Love My Eyes in sure fire silver, work the poor Photoshop over until it moans in agonay and VOILA you have a cover. Then there is the video...$300,000 to make her look like she is saving a kid from working in one of her sweatshops? Puh-lease. That bitch would not even think about walking into a factory, much less risking her life to save some peasant child. Oh and to top things off...they say her makeup costs $8,000 a day. I am not even gonna say anything about that mess, because it ain't even right. She wants rosey cheeks, send her to me, I'll smack the bitch around. How could things come to this? Oh yes, greed + overindulgence * overexposure = career suicide. Just ask Tom Cruise. People just don't care all that much about celebrities or the shitty products they are putting out these days. Good thing she will have babies to keep her occupied, and maybe they will bring her back down to earth, because we are tired of the diva antics.
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