Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Jenkem is the S#*t

Literally. I read this article and at first I thought...WHY!?!?!?!? The second thing I thought was, WHO?!?!?!? Who was the first jackass to experiment this concoction and test it out? Because to me...a drug made of human waste is about the most disgusting things I have ever read about, and I think I would sooner die by throwing myself into traffic than ingest human fecal matter. At any rate, for those of you who want to read more about it, go over to The Smoking Gun and take a gander at it. It is chock full of photos and a kid actually sipping on a straw that has been plunged into the Ball jar full of sewage. Isn't it amazing how you can make drugs out of anything from Pine-sol to human waste. Lord, I just know one of my ex's probably came up with this. Damn crackheads. I will pray for them, because they seem to be in desperate need of divine intervention. Shit and piss? Really?!?!?

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