Why do you always pick on Rachael Ray?
Well, she can take it. She’s incredibly powerful, very successful, far more loved than I am… so it’s not like I’m hurting her. And on the other hand, she genuinely offends me. I compare her to, the standard I hold her to — foolishly, perhaps– is Julia Child, who wasn’t a professional chef either. When you watched Julia Child, you would see her make Coq a Vain, or some classic French dish, and you’d say “Wow, that’s classic French food, that’s not so difficult. Julia can do it, I can do it. I’m gonna try that.” And it made people aspire to more.
I think when Rachael tells you that it’s perfectly OK to buy a pre-chopped onion from the supermarket… I mean how hard is it to chop an onion? What you take away from Rachael Ray is “I could cook that! I feel better about myself now. I’m not gonna cook that! But I will finish this bag of Cheetos and that gallon jug of Diet Pepsi before dying of diabetes.”
I am completely offended by that hag too, and the fact that she is promoting donuts and 5,000 calorie frapuccinos is also offensive. Clearly, the dollar sign has clouded her judgement on what should and shouldn't be marketed to America's youth...or fat Americans for that matter. And honestly...how hard IS it to chop an onion? You may shed some tears, and actually, if I weren't so cold and hard as nails, I find it handy to have an onion around to make me seem more human by making my tear ducts well up, but that is a topic for my therapist. PS, I just LOVE BWE's picture showing her choking a chicken. SO HIGHlarious. [bwe]
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