Thursday, October 04, 2007

Solange feels bad for Buhnoonce

Okay Okay...I know what some of you are thinking..."who in the hell is Solange, and why do I care". Well, Solange, for those that don't know, is the less talented masculine dude looking younger sister of the multitalented performing artist, actress, model, designer, all around media saturated Beyonce. Solange was recently quoted as saying she does not want to be like Buhnoonce at all:
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"I don't want to get that far," she claims. "I feel really bad for my sister. I'm always like, 'Oh, let's go to the mall,' or 'Let's go here,' and she can't. I enjoy having that."

Hon, you don't have to worry about that, as you cannot sing and I saw about five seconds of your acting abilities in that horrid made for DVD movie "Bring It On Again and Again" with Hayden Panitiere (however you spell it, I ain't got the time to look). Although it would suck not being able to go to the mall and stuff for some Chik-Fil-A.

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