Monday, October 22, 2007

The Not So News

- Vance = Vanessa Williams + Vince Vaughn...WTF? That just doesn't sound any kind of right at all. I can't imagine Wilhemina Slater dating a person like Vince Vaughn...EVER. [justjared]

- David Copperfield allegedly made his dick a woman's kooter down in the Bahamas. Authorities raided his Las Vegas home seizing a hard drive, a digital camera, and $2 million in cash. What does seizing a man's cash have to do with rape? I mean..really...if he has that much laying around the house, just imagine what he has in the bank. PS, last time I checked were there even any laws against rape in the Bahamas...isn't it a sport down there? [celebslam]

- That Manilla folders girl is still with Nick Lachey and proclaims her love for him to US Weekly. The article goes on to say that a witness had her cracking him up, which I find hard to believe, because what exactly could someone made of cardboard possibly say that would make a person laugh? Then again, the fool married Jessica Simpson, so I guess queerer things have happened. [usmagazine]

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