Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Jennifer Lopez is a Deadbeat

Page Six is talking about how Jennifer Lopez has yet to pay the $16,000 bill for the limo services that she used during the July premiere of her Spanish-language movie "El Cantante," and apparently bitch is fighting the bill. What a damn deadbeat. I don't get these celebrities. They wipe their asses with $100 bills and then bitch and moan when they don't get stuff for free, or they fight paying the bills. If you don't want to pay for the service...don't get the service. Take a cab, walk, get a rickshaw, ride piggyback on your skeletal husband's shoulders, or some other mode of transportation that won't set you back that much money. OR, even better, how about you take the limo and let your staff take cabs. Why does Ken Paves and other hangers-on need the limo treatment? But if you do insist on allowing random people in your entourage to enjoy luxuries that they aren't paying for...then you better be ready to get the bill. Hooker is probably arguing over the bill because that raggedy movie, El Cantante, didn't even make $16,000 at the box office.[pagesix]

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