Monday, October 01, 2007

In Other News: Britney Loses Custody

Britney Spears lost custody of her kids like 10 minutes ago ya'll. Dang it...I knew this was gonna happen. Like a little bitch, KFed's lawyer went in and snitched on Brit for driving with a suspended license and it worked. She must give up custody of those kids by Wednesday...I am sure they are going to be so well adjusted when they grow up. That girl should never have gotten married or had those kids. Actually, on the real, I think she planned for this to happen, because no mother wants to admit she can't raise her kids and the courts taking them away can be spun into a campaign for the general public to feel sorry for her fat ass because "no child should be taken away from their mother" even if she is a grown ass white trash mess who can't seem to realize she is an adult. I blame Paris Hilton for this and I don't feel one bit sorry for her. [TMZ]

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