Thursday, October 11, 2007

Come On Out

Happy "Coming Out Day" to all those 'mos that have thrown open the closet door and have stomped out wearing their momma's CHA CHA heels and clip on earrings. Or the ones who sang "I Will Survive" into a can of Aqua Net Hairspray in the bathroom using a bathtowel both as haute couture and as a wig.
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We all know the emotions and the insanity involved in coming out as a gay man or woman, so if you know someone who is struggling with their sexuality, share your story, be there for them, ecourage them, talk with them, and let them know that their world will not be at an end. Things may be rough for a while, but ultimately living life as the person you are is so much easier than living a life as a person you will never be. The LA Gay & Lesbian Center has a whole slew of coming out stories submitted by random people from all around. Click here to read some of the stories.

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