Making NO apologies for stating what is obvious to me, but may be oblivious to others.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Why Can't Trump Zip the Lips?
Is there anyone out there that doesn't have a problem with Donald Trump or vice versa? It seems he ALWAYS has to open up old wounds with the same damn people. Now that Rosie has become less relevant to him, he is going back after Mark
Cuban...presumably because Mark Cuban is back on television with Dancing with the Stars, and Trump's Apprentice came very very close to not being renewed...and why would it? Does anyone watch that show anymore? And you would think that someone with Trump's money would have access to someone that could write him some better insults. Everyone is a "loser". Always with "loser". Calling Trump a first class idiot is pretty okay, but I would have lost the first class part, because that would have totally pissed off Trump. I would give him some hot tips on here about some good insults, but I don't work for free. Anyway, comparing the two, Mark Cuban is a much hotter piece of ass. Hopefully he will lose some of that baby weight he has during his dancing days on ABC. Why am I talking about this? Does anyone even care about this? I can't even think of anything witty or original to say about it. DAMNIT! [pagesix]

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