Thursday, September 27, 2007

Somebody Pooted

Hell hath no fury like a woman who demands silence and gets a noisy gust of wind from between two mounds. Tomecia Cruise recently asked for a moment of silence on the set of his movie Valkyrie at an important historical site to honor the heroes of the war. Well, during that minute, someone let a fart rip. Cruise got pissed like a little girl, stormed off the set, and vowed that the responsible person would die a fate worse than that brought by Hitler during know because he has access to outer space aliens that have ray guns and probes. No wait, Tomecia has the probe...and you know he is totally hoping the farter is a dude so he can probe him. No, I am totally kidding, but seriously a source was quoted as saying:

"Quite rightly, Tom is furious. We were filming at the Bendler Block in Germany where the anti-Nazis were executed."

Now, he is going to go through tapes of the crowd to see if he can tell who did it, so they can be fired, because nobody is going to fess up. is he going to tell exactly where the fart came from...was it so powerful that it lifted them up five feet off the ground, or are they going to look for all the people giggling after it happened, and really...sometimes people just can't control that kind of stuff. Besides, farts are HILARIOUS. And I don't mean any disrespect, but I am sure the nazi's and anti-nazi's all passed gas at some point or another, I know I just did. [stuff]

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