Monday, August 06, 2007

What is wrong with people?

Like the rest of the world, I am quite addicted to the YouTube a few times a know when I am not dashing into the fray trying to help some jackass backwoods yokel with four teeth establish an address for the sixth trailer house he has decided to move on to his one acre tract of land in the middle of nowhere. Most of the time I just watch music videos, but every once in a while I meander from the path and find narcissitic douchebags like this guy:

Is that supposed to be sexy? Let me just squash the notion that it is sexy, First off, the guys teeth are whiter than his t-shirt, which either means he is addicted to whitening strips, or he has spent so much money on strips he can't even afford the generic storebland (yes, I meant to say "bland") bleach. Damn dingey clothes. Second, what is with the leaky tire noise coming from his mouth? Aren't bodybuilders supposed to growl or sit and pose in silence while they give a facial expression that we all have when we are trying to push out a big turd? I know gross. Third, if you can't rip your shirt all the way through, then at the very least...Hints from Heloise says, please, Please, PLEASE cut a small slit in the shirt so that when you do make it to the bottom of the shirt it will rip right you can avoid looking like a total loser. Finally, I have better things to spend my money on than sending my money to some goofball who can't rip his shirt, is not really that cute, hisses at me, and should spend less time in front of the camera and more time working on his fitness. Furthermore...what does he need the money to spend on? A membership at Gold's is like $30 a month, and protein powders are like $20, and I can't imagine that a posing garment would be that expensive. I don't know.

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