Thursday, August 02, 2007

I am FLIPPING out!

Have any of you people seen Bravo's new reality show, "Flipping Out"? If you have not seen it, then you need to find a replay ASAP. If you can't, then go to Apple iTunes and download the premiere episode for free RIGHT. THIS. MINUTE. Jeff Lewis is this completely crazy guy who flips houses, but he doesn't like to call it "flipping" because he does more than putting some new paint on the walls and fixing minor defects in the house...he actually invests more money to do the best job he can. He admits to having OCD and has an eye for "perfection" and I am loving it and living for every bit of it. I am oddly attracted to this man and I am not ashamed to admit it, because he is kind of hot. I wonder what it would be like to date him and have him boss me around...could you imagine? OMG! HOWEVER, I don't really think the picture of Jeff on the Bravo website is the best choice, and he looks better on tv...and that makes me wonder what he looks like in real life. When things start looking bleak for him, he turns to his psychics and spiritual guides to give him guidance on his many endeavors. Outside of work, his pets are his life. He has the hispanic live-in maid, Zoila, who kind of reminds me of Cher's maid on Clueless. I can totally see Zoila and letting out a little yelp as she is running out of the room when Jeff walks in just like Cher's maid did (her name escapes me). I LOVE IT! My favorite part of the first episode that involved Zoila is when he is moving in his stage furniture and she is carrying the cushions and says..."I am tired Mr. Jeff, I need to rest", and he snaps back and says..."Yes, you have been working hard for 12 minutes, you deserve a break", as he takes the cushions from her. I laughed and laughed and laughed. My final favorite character is his assistant, who likes to be referred as his "executive assistant", Jenni. She is, of course, also an actress and she does voice over work. How fun would voice over work be? Anyway, she kind of looks like Julia Louis-Dreyfus, but sounds a bit like Karen Walker. She is kind of nutty, and cute, and looks like she knows how to have a good time. She is also married to an actor that was in the movie "How High", which I never saw, but I did vaguely recognize him. Funny moments from episode one involving her are escaping me right now. I am going to have to go back and watch it over again. I CANNOT wait for episode 2, when apparently we get to meet Jeff's ex-boyfriend. Seriously, Jeff Lewis...HOT! WATCH THIS SHOW!


  1. I love reality shows, but this one had the wrong main character! That guy should have been the client of Tori the psychics! She was way more interesting.

  2. like your show. not a fan, just like the attention to detail you folks have. you seen to cover most bases. Why not hire a black male or female security person to watch your project sites. go pick supplies for your contractors hey... watch your back. I live in eastern Pennslyvania but was born in Los Angeles. I got a friend who is a preacher/bouncer that might fit. get back at me. Greg, 570 394 4479. hey Jeff... Get rid of that pain in the ass hair piece thing and rock who you are!
