Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Gayken is SO butch and hetero

One wonders why he isn't the posterman for some butch, tobacco spitting, armpit farting, wood chopping, blue collar magazine. I mean...he cannot possibly be anymore opposite to feminine. Take this video for instance...he is voguing to some gospel version of "Like a Virgin" and then he makes some sort of noise like he saw The Bachelor's Andy Baldwin and prematurely ejaculated into his pants. What is the point of this post you ask? Well...the point is the backup singer. The facial expression she gives is very similar to the face I walk around with all the time. It is SO hot. Wait for it...wait for it....

She's my favorite and the thought..."WTF am I up on this stage with this nelly bastard perfroming this ignunce fuh?" is probably racing through her head.

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