Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Dial down the desperation please

From Missed Connections today:

Kirk(?) at Hippie Hollow on Sat/Sun - m4m - 25

Last Sat & Sun at Hippie Hollow Lake Travis you were there. I found out your name is Kirk, you have a blue and white wakeboard boat and cutest dog in orange life vest. You have a shaved head, ripped sexy body, wearing black shorts with the word Hurley on the back.

DUDE, my heart skipped a beat when I saw you, came by for a close up, SMOKIN HOT! I was with a couple chicks (i'm bi) wearing brown/blak/red board shorts red cap. Pic attached. Thought I was leavin this week but got extended (here in town on film crew for a movie until Sept 7th now).

You single? Any chance to meet? Buy you a beer? Will you be there again this weekend? Hell if ur hooked up I'm good for 3way lol. ANYTHING bro! PLEASE hit me up dude, names Brennen :)

OKAY, I know the guy he is talking about in this MC and his name isn't Kirk. My favorite part is when he says he is "bi". Okay guy...whatever. If your heart skipped a beat when you saw a are gay. If you are hanging out in the gay section of Hippie are probably gay. Can we bring the level of desperation down about five clicks please? It is kind of ridiculous how crazy and stalker-like Brennen sounds in this advertisement. Oh, and if you click on the link above you can see that he even posted his picture to the ad. Who posts their picture to the ad...clearly he is not from around these parts. PLEASE...ANYTHING!!! Horny much?

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