Monday, July 09, 2007

Big Brother 8

So, Big Brother 8 has gotten off to a quick start, and I am hooked, as I have been since season 5 (I believe). I am always sad about the gay representation in the house, and this year is NO different. Could they have EVER picked two homos that didn't reinforce EVERY single horrible stereotype that there ever was? "I am a ressssssepsssonist at a childsssss hair ssssalon". Is that really a profession? I mean...COME ON! I guess, it does make for good TV. I mean...what could be more shocking than one of them screaming, "when I dated him I seemed to somehow immaculately conceive gonorrhea". EWWWWW! That is way too much information, and information that I could have gone on living without ever knowing. I am quite enjoying the twist of having enemies in the house this year. It should make for good tv. What I find even MORE shocking is super cute jock man, Nick's, confession that he has given a guy a blowjob before. Can you even imagine? HOT! Sadly, he has been caught on camera spooning with platter nipple Joe. Has he blocked out the gonorrhea comment? Also, Mike was on the first episode of Lifetime's "Gay, Straight, or Taken". He was neither gay nor taken. The girl thought he was though. Also, Kail needs to be taken care of ASAP. I haven't seen much of her, but I already know I don't like her. Bitch talks about how much she has way too much. I don't care about your gas guzzling H2, or that own half the people in your town, or that you are a multibusinessaire...DON'T CARE! She also seems a bit homophobic. Below is the clip of Nick confessing his oral sex.

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