Thursday, July 19, 2007

I had 3 vivid dreams last night

1. The first dream I had involved...well, actually let me set it up for you. Do you remember watching the movie Gremlins 2 (you can admit it), and the part of the movie towards the end when all the green Gremlins were in the lobby of the mall and about to get zapped by the one that had genetically altered himself into electricity? Well, that is how it was. Cats everywhere, but in the middle of a house, not a mall, and there was an electric kitty on hold on the phone, and one of the cats could speak. I can't remember what the cat said to me, but I knew that I had to get rid of them, so I took the electric kitty off hold and tried to dispose of all the kitty cats. Did it work? No, it just made their hair stand on end, and I have no idea what happened after that.

2. The second dream involved nuns. Nuns, nuns, and more nuns. I don't really remember much other than that.

3. My third dream started out with my Jeep going into the shop and the dealer giving me a Pontiac Solstice convertible to drive. It was silver and EVERYONE wanted a piece of it. I drove it to a carnaval and parked it. I think the Pussycat Dolls were singing on a stage next to a farris wheel, but I can't be sure it was them. Then I saw Fergie walking around and nobody but me knew who she was. She kept looking at me, and I was that her or not? I finally went back to the car, got my camera, found her, and asked if I could have a picture with her. She obliged and as soon as I took a camera flash, the razzi's showed up and started flashing us with their cameras. We got to talking and I told her how I had gone to her concert in Houston and we chatted more. BTW, she did not have methface in my dream, and her hair was not oily. Then, I turned around and we were on a red carpet outside a premiere or something, but the razzi's only wanted my photo. I later met her inside and she was like...can I get your number so we can hang out sometime? I had no card to give her, but I wrote it down and then the alarm went off. The best part. Razzi puttin' my biznazz in the news.

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