As a card carrying homo, I am never one to shy away from a "chick" flick that w

ill turn on the water works, prompting me to get up at the end of the movie and scream "
I FINALLY FEEL!!!!!" know without having to cut myself, but in this case I was extremely, NO, I was SEVERELY disappointed from beginning to end. With an Oscar calibre cast and the man behind "The Hours" running the show, I figured...OMG, this is gonna be SO good, I CANNOT WAIT, and was TOTALLY hooked when Dido's "White Flag" serenaded me at the end of the trailer. Friday night I gathered up 2 of my best boyfriends and we made the trek all the way up to North Austin to view this little gem. Matt began by saying...just to warn you, I cry at movies like this. I screamed...ME TOO! After dealing with an overzealous snack bar boy who was clearly more interested in helping the three of us rather than fill up the small bags of popcorn two middle aged women were already waiting on, and then burni

ng theirs, we went inside, sat, and prepared to cry. Okay, let me begin by saying, that there is WAY too much cutting back and forth from the past to the present. You really have to concentrate in places to remember things, because when they flash back to the future they mention things again and you will be like...what are they talking about? Harris is the object of peoples' affection. Men (, read: small gay crush by one of the main characters) and women alike all want Harris, never mind the fact that the guy that plays Harris looks like an animated mannequin. And since I don't want to talk anymore about this I will say

, Vanessa Redgrave's character has dementia and keeps flashing back to one of the happiest days in her life when she magically fell in love with a man that she would never be with, and how EVERY single person from her past all settled because it was what they were expected to do. There are very romantic parts, and a couple of good one liners, but overall, I would say pay the matinee price, or wait for DVD. Also, leave your tissue at home, you won't need it, unless you find the paper napkins at the theatre too coarse to wipe the popcorn butter off your face. PS - I still love me some Toni Collette and Claire Daines, and EVEN better, I like how they hint at how "Buddy loved Harris too" in the trailer.
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