Making NO apologies for stating what is obvious to me, but may be oblivious to others.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
What gays are these exactly?
Some nut job named Jasmyne Cannick, which I will pronounce Jaz-mine, has started an online petition to get Isaiah Washington his job back on the hit show Grey's Anatomy because she feels that he has paid his dues in his bid to make amends for calling TR Knight a faggot. She said she's infuriated ABC booted Washington from the show's upcoming fourth season for calling Knight a "faggot" during a scuffle on the set and believes it smacks of racism. ALWAYS with the racism. She also said, "further adds to a disturbing new trend at ABC wherein minority actors have been dismissed at an alarming rate over the past two years. Blacks, including . . . Star Jones ('The View'), Harold Perrineau ('Lost'), Alfre Woodard, Me
hcad Brooks and Page Kennedy ('Desperate Housewives') have been let go . . . One must ask themselves, what is going on? . . . " So far she has garnered 1,233 signatures. Regarding those people she listed, Star Jones deserved to get fired because she was a monster and monsters belong on late night TV, not the light of day, Harold Perrineau is the only one to smart enough to get his ass off the island and that is a fete if you ask me, and the rest knew they were only going to be on DH for one season. Racism? Please. This woman needs to shut her trap, mostly because good ole Isaiah has allegedly been quoted as bitching and moaning about all the "hoops" ABC made him jump through when in reality he should be doing it because it is the right thing to do and to better himself, not to secure his paycheck. All I have to say to her petition is "good luck with that" because I don't see it helping his cause and I seriously doubt that getting less than 1% of viewers who watch the show to sign a silly petition will be very effective. I also don't think the producers nor ABC will bring an actor back that is causing dissension in the ranks, because when you have more than half the cast pissed off the overall quality will suffer, and NOBODY wants that you silly woman. PS - Just so you know, it was more about doing the right thing in sending a message that none of that kind of talk will not be tolerated and SO much less about him being black. Also, these gays do NOT speak for the rest of us.

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