I watched yesterday's clips of Rosie and Lissy going at it like a couple of rabid dogs yesterday with utter glee in hopes that Lissy would cry. Well, that didn't happen and the clip ended. I told my friend Joezay (Joey) about it on email because he DVR's The View everyday in hopes of seeing such things as well. I told him they went so far as to ignore Joy's insistance that they go to commercial break and split the screen. Joezay was very excited about it, and later asked me if I saw when Alicia Silverstone came out. Of course, I had not. He shot back...that was THE best part. She snubbed Lissy when she came out and Lissy just took it and pouted the entire time. So, I found it, and I present it to you. Lissy needs to hang it up. I don't like her, most of America doesn't like her, and I feel the only reason she is even THAT conservative is because she wants another invite to the White House. I hope one of her kids is gay. I wonder what the makeup artists and stylists at The View think of her? If I don't hear a collective laugh of everyone watching this I will hunt you down with dogs chasing you through the snowy woods with dogs ripping off your clothes.
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