Thursday, May 31, 2007

Make sure you get her cheek bones...

You know...I don't know what kind of mother teaches an 8 year old girl that she needs to tan to look pretty for school pictures. Actually, I do...Dina Lohan. And also, why in God's name would E! ever produce a reality show about a tanning salon, with a fug running it? Check out the blatant fear this little girl has in her eyes as she gets sprayed in the face.

Meanwhile, as this mom is encouraging her daughter to look like Lindsay Lohan, Blohan herself is crashing her S65 onto a sidewalk lined with trees during a cocaine induced run to In-N-Out Burger. Nice, good job mom. PS, now your daughter looks like a carrot and I really believe that your $1300 could have been put to better maybe you could get her some breast implants too since you are totally thinking to yourself...why does my daughter still only have mosquito bites at age 8 when that sassy latina girl Hortensia already has a pair of C's?


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