Wednesday, February 28, 2007

"You're Young and You're Wrong"

Rosie shot off at Elisabeth about the Patriot Act this morning on The View, which prompted Elisabeth to start flapping her arms wildly because she couldn't form a sentence to express her opinion. Click the picture to watch the clip at, or click here. I wish she would have made her cry, and Elisabeth probably did shed a few tears during the commercial break. Elisabeth is trash and is not as smart as she thinks she is...and I really wish that she would realize that. TMZ also says, "Rosie then really stuck it to Elisabeth, suggesting that resorting to ageism is the only way she can bottle her Hulk-like rage to sit at the same table with someone with whom she disagrees "so abhorrently"." My favorite part about the whole thing isn't Rosie telling Lissy like it is, but it is Joy laughing about it the whole time and not even really trying to hide it. LOVE HER!

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