Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Not So News

- Usher is off the market. He is engaged to his girlfriend/stylist Tameka Foster. [pagesix]

- Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz sets the record straight about is relationship with Ashlee Simpson by saying he would date her in another universe and that he is attracted to "creative" people. This can't be good for Daddy Joe. [pagesix]

- JLo is slated to perform on American Idol on April 11. Cue the backup track. [MSN]

- Like we didn't already know this, but Howard K. Stern is a scumbag. Basically, he is also a deadbeat and allowed made Anna Nicole pay for all of his expenses, probably forever. [tmz]

- Of course, the day wouldn't be complete without more unseen footage of Anna Nicole at a West Hollywood Gay Bar WITH Larry Birkhead, Howard K, and the Dr Kapoor guy that prescribed her all the methadone. In the video you will see a shirtless Dr. and Anna Nicole acting ignunt. It is actually pretty gross. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Stern and Birkhead were in cohoots together. [tmz]

1 comment:

  1. ummm....

    just so you know, Charles

    her name is Jennifer Lopez.

