Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Not So News

- In addition to working a crowd's last nerve on the oh so OVER song "Gold Digger", Jamie Foxx also apparently likes to drench women at his parties with luxury vodka and sex-on-the-beach. Um...what? Who does that? If I were a woman, first off I probably would not attend something like that, but if I were a woman I would have nothing to do with someone trying to drown me with vodka and mixers. A source responds to this by saying "it's his thing." IS IT?!?!?!? [pagesix]

- Dreamgirls led the noms for the Academy Awards but was shut out of Best Picture and THANK GOD Beyonce was not nominated for anything. I am sure her daddy is gonna throw another fit and blame everyone else for his daughters shortcomings when it comes to acting. Yay for Jennifer Hudson for support actress. [msn]

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