Monday, January 08, 2007

The Not So News

- Eva Longoria has been chosen as the new face for Bebe Sport. Um...what? Isn't Eva a tad bit old to be the face of that particular line of Bebe? Is she going to jump in a time machine and go back 15 years to make this happen? Next thing you know Abercrombie will be calling Mark Wahlberg back to do ads for them because they just LOVED what he did for Calvin Klein. [INO]

- You know...I think Jennifer Aniston has lost her mind. If she ever clutched her womb when a baby passes by her...or watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith for hours on end trying to find the exact moment Brad and Angelina became Brangelina. Personally, I think it was the scene where they end up naked on the floor in a sweaty heap. Then to top all of it off, the claim that she throws baby dolls into a bonfire on the beach to make herself feel better about the birth of Shiloh. Those babies weren't born from the Cabbage Patch for nothing. [idlyitw]

- Domenico Dolce does not pick up men...he points at them and has them brought to him. The venerable designer - one half of the Dolce & Gabbana clothing empire - was at Miami hot spot Snatch the other night with several friends and one special employee whose assignment was "to get hot guys in the club to go to his table," giggled our spy. "Domenico would point at a guy, and his employee would go bring the man over. It was extremely effective." Now, for the querstion of the mornting...If this happened to you and you were brought to Mr. Dolce...would you hit it? I mean...he is no Tom Ford and he kind of looks like the crazy guy on Lost that has Jack, Sawyer, and Kate as prisoners. I know a couple of you bitches would hit it for some free don't even try to lie. [pagesix]

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