Seriously, why would anyone let her walk out a door looking like this? Where is her mother, where is her best gay friend, where oh where are SO many other people to stop this assault on my eyes? She has a gazillion dollars, there is no excuse for it. At this point I would even beg for Beyonce's momma to intervene with some Derriere fashions, 50 lbs of weave, and makesup. The worst part is her manager says he is aware of her current "bad image and is working to overcome it". Really? REALLY? How? If this is it...if he is going for the beat down and trodden white trash look...well I hate to say...that look is already taken by about half the population of my hometown and Joy on My Name is Early...although Joy is actually hot.
My major concern is that I will be taking pictures of people at Oilcan Harry's (in Austin) to make fun of later on this blog and I will take a picture of the hot mess from behind only to have her turn around and it be Ms. Spears...YIKES! It could happen!

photo credit: x17online
faces of meth!