Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Star Jones admits what we already know...

That she is a big ole bitch. In an interview with People reports that Star says: "I've earned that diva image. It's not something that I can hide from," she tells TV's Extra in an interview set to air Tuesday. "I admit sometimes I have enjoyed the celebrity more than I should have. It was well-earned, but it's softened now."

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Okay...what?!?!?!? She has earned the diva image? How is that? She was in an ensemble cast for The View. It was not the Star Jones Show. The only title she should be given is that of ingrateful swag grabbing ho. The only people who have earned the title of diva are Celine Dion, Oprah, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, and a few choice others. THEY have earned it. There is a difference between being a diva and acting the way you think a diva acts. All Star did was sit on a panel of four women, spew her "I'm a lawyer" speak, get fired, and is now hosting a show on a radio station because nobody in the television business will hire her ass because she got herself blacklisted and they are afraid of the hell fire that will rain down from Barbara Walters. OH and she is married to a man who may or may not be a homo/woman. Time to reassess the definition of "diva", take a look at the behavior displayed and the employment held by a real "diva" and then model your behavior accordingly. LOL, Star Jones...Diva I think not. [people]

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