Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Not So News

- Lindsay Blohan made a trip to Scores to do some stage bumping and grinding with some of the strippers and later took them in the bathroom to apologize for calling them whores and then offerred them lines of coke as a peace offering, because who takes a group of people into a bathroom stall JUST to apologize to them...NOONE! Personally, I am tired of seeing this girl everywhere and I am not going to talk about her anymore. [pagesix]

- Kathy Griffin and I share yet another thing in common...not only do we love gay men, we have a mutual hatred of Patty Heaton. Kathy was quoted as saying..."I used to think Patricia Heaton was funny, but now I'm just grossed out by her! The whole gay issue, I gotta tell you - when I hear Patricia talking her bull---- and saying it's not in the Bible that gay people should be together - those are the pieces of information that I can't forget about. Patty Heaton has the gayest makeup person you've ever seen," Kathy told the audience. "I can't get beyond it. It's the hypocrisy." The article goes on to say that people in the audience were shocked. REALLY?!?!? They were shocked? Do they not watch tv or read magazines? Patty Heaton has not been hiding her bible beating opinion since she has been out of work. Most people take up knitting or crafts when they retire, but I guess some people take up hate. And may I please add that these stupid celebrities that have this opinion about gay people but have NO problem hiring them and even request them to do their hair and makeup. BITCH please![source]

- Britney continued her hard partying ways recently by hitting Le Deux and drinking herself into an oblivion and the barfing sushi all over the place. Girl, if you can't control your liquor you best keep your ass out of the bar. Even I have the ability to hold my mess for a 25 minute cab ride of ups, downs, and potholes. [source]

- Paris Hilton thinks she would be a good mother because she has so many animals. As much as I would like to agree with her in that kids are like animals...even I know and acknowledge (despite my ever present loathing of children) that children, even the most horribly behaved children are not, in fact, like animals. Paris Hilton is a dumbass. [source]

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