- Patty Heaton's son doesn't talk to her, goes to a school where kids get stabbed, might be gay, and will one day loathe and despise his mother for snooping in his email and phone records to know what is going on in his life and because she can't keep her trap shut. Can someone please fill her mouth with cement? Didn't this dumb bitch used to do PSA's about "talking to your kids"? If you can't practice, don't preach...because lady girl it isn't as easy as you thought it would be is it? I hope he does turn out to be gay, seeing as she is known as a fag hater. [source]
- The party don't stop for young Hollywood at 2am. They just go back to Lindsay Lohan's suite at the Chateau and hoover up line after line of cocaine mixed with their favorite Rx meds. [cityrag]
- The 12 days of 2006...have a gander at this funny video. [source]
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