Monday, November 13, 2006

New York Post Discussion

Item #1 - KEVIN Federline has come up with new way to make money now that Britney Spears has derailed his gravy train and crowds are staying away in droves from his $20 concerts. Fed-ex, who made a cool $2 million selling home videos for the show "Chaotic," is trying to sell footage from cameras he installed in his car. "I actually got a surveillance system put in my truck, so I'm recording everything," Federline told XM's "Top 20 on 20" show. "The paparazzi turn into a pack of wolves . . . I got some pretty funny video footage of them just tripping all over themselves like dominos."

Response: WTF?!?!? Nobody loves a good derailing as much as me, but this is sad. This is the most ignunt and jackassed idea I have ever heard of. Didn't they already try that mess on a show called Taxi Cab confessions, only it was semi interesting because it dealt with real live people who wanted to air their dirty laundry. Nobody wants to pay this punk money to watch him perform "music", and the people that do go are only there to heckle him and throw rotten fruit at him. What in God's name makes him think that people are going to pay him money to see surveillance from his truck, because we all know Brit took back his Federline Ferrari, of the razzi's falling all over themselves to get a picture of him. Kev, hun, McDonald's is ALWAYS hiring, as is Golden Corral...isn't that where Shar works? He might want to keep that footage and save it for a rainy day when the divorce is said and done, that way he can look back and "remember when" he thought people really cared because is K Fed and not Mr. Britney Spears. Clutch and claw on fame as much as you want, but it will fade...sadly not fast enough. WHAT. A. TOOL!

Item #2 - NO wonder Katie Holmes had to take a break from her new best friend, Victoria Beckham - she was starving. The super-skinny soccer wife had been helping Holmes lose her baby weight, but it seems Beckham's dietary rules were too much. A spy said, "Victoria maintains her tiny frame because she only permits herself to snack - not eat - on edamame, pretzels and occasionally sushi." Beckham also is a Diet Coke fanatic and told pals she hasn't drunk water in years because she "hates the taste."

Response: Um...whet?!?!? Why would anyone even agree to that diet? It would be like if Beyonce irresponsibly promoting the "cereal" diet that helped her lose weight for Dreamgirls. That doesn't sound like dietary rules as much as it sounds like an eating disorder. Does Posh not remember what a big side of beef tastes like? I mean, I can't go more than a few days without eating beef and here this woman has completely given up all food...period, because we all now that there is not one bit of nutritional value to any of that mess she is eating. It's no wonder she looks like a famished stick thin twig all the time David needs to get her ass to a nutritionist pronto. And does sewage just flow freely from the faucets in the UK? Last time I checked...WATER DOESN'T TASTE, unless it is made by Clearly Canadian or Vitamin Water.

Item #3 - Just axing? WHICH young Hollywood starlet had secret gastric bypass surgery, but then lost too much weight? During a recent four-day stint at a health clinic, she was actually having an operation to remove the bypass.

Response: Yeah...we all know who this is, and I don't even think any words need to be said about this mess, because the doctor that gave her the surgery should have his license taken away and beat with the part of her stomach she removed over and over again. Furthermore, had the crazy bitch just gotten her chubby, because she was not fat, ass to a gym a few times a week, instead of trying to party her ass off every night...well, I'll just say that my friend Ericka has lost about 10 lbs since she joined the gym a couple months ago. There is not quick fix...NONE! BTW, X17 assures that this photo of Nic is authentic and has not been photoshopped in any way. G-ROSS!

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