Wednesday, November 15, 2006

He So Broke Broke

- This isn't so much news (because we all knew he was spending his wife's money), but Kevin Federline is so damn broke that he can't even afford to buy booze.

"Even before the split was announced, Spears told Fed-ex to fly himself to New York and get his own hotel room, an insider told Us Weekly, even though she was flying here on a private jet to record music. Spears then ordered his phone turned off and credit cards shut down. "Not even his mother could get ahold of him," a source told the magazine. Federline is now scrimping where he can." He and his entourage of eight wannabe rappers showed up at downtown burlesque joint Corio for a comped dinner that would have cost him $1,200, a source tells us. An eyewitness at the next table reports, "He just kept ordering more and more food and then asked for it to be put in containers so he could take the food out to the clubs with him. Then he started putting napkins in the tops of the tequila and vodka bottles and stuck them under his coat trying to sneak the liquor out with him.

COME ON!!! Even homeless people can afford to buy booze. HOMELESS PEOPLE for GOD'S SAKE!!! The best part about this whole situation is that NOT ONE PERSON feels sorry for this deadbeat. I guess since Britney started the label to produce his record, he will soon be dropped from that as well. Poor seems his gravy train has come to its last stop, now get the fuck off! [pagesix]

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