Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Hasn't all this gotten a little bit outta "hand"

Pun totally intended. News and entertainment media have been talking nonstop about Rosie O'Donnell's beef with Kelly Ripa about her comments to Clay Aiken about his hand and where it may or may not have been. Let's begin with the first video of Clay interrupting Kelly:

Okay, so I think Clay was in the wrong for doing this to Kelly. I also think Kelly could have responded differently to his actions. Nothing more needs to be said.

Now, let's see what Rosie had to say before Kelly chimed in:

And now the video of Kelly defending herself:

Rosie just outed Clay to the world. She does have a point, and I can see how Kelly's comments could be mistaken for homophobia. Also, can someone please put a sock in Elisabeth's mouth? She hates the gays and all things non-Republican. I love how she is just ITCHING to get a word in edgewise...but can't.

Then you have Kelly making an even bigger deal about it...most likely to get herself more press and face in the media because we know she hasn't been seen much since the Pantene commercials.
You want to talk about disrespect? How about you just drop it and let sleeping dogs lie. You were wronged, we get it, it is done. Now I am going to have to hear this mess the REST of the week on Entertainment Tonight as they bring me new ET Exclusives and reveal "lost footage" of the events. HAD IT!

And not to be outdone...Clay Aiken hits back at Kelly via Tori Spelling

This would have been funnier had Clay said..." don't do that". This is all very dumb. WHO CARES?!?!?!?!?

And finally...practice what you preach bitch. Here we see Kelly putting her bacteria infested hand over Regis' mouth. Bitch we don't know where your hand has been...but I don't see a bottle of Purel anywhere on that desk for sanitizing okaaay.

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