Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Today's PSA is brought to you by...


because like they say..."Doing crystal has never been more fun". But seriously think Crystal Meth is all fun and games and about getting a hot thin body, but it isn't fun...not fun at all. Just ask these people whose lives and looks (not that they were cute before they got hooked, but they didn't look like death either) were ruined by Tina.
I was wondering why we never got to see Kristen Cavalleri's mother on Laguna Beach, and now I know. She was strung out in a well lit alley somewhere in Laguna hanging out with Tina. She should totally get mom of the year.

All joking aside, Crystal Meth is a serious drug with HUGE consequences. I actually have a friend that became addicted to it, and the last time I heard from him was a couple months ago and he was stranded in Atlanta because he went there with another meth addict who left him high and dry and he had no way to get back to DC. I have no idea if he is okay, if he is alive, dead, or something else. Just say no...I stupid do you have to be to say yes to even trying something like Crystal Meth, and if you do have a problem or know someone that has a problem, GET HELP!


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