Item #1: Jessica Reads Between the Lines. When her husband, Nick Lachey, decided not to accom pany her on an "Operation Smile" charity trip to Africa, she knew the marriage was over. "I went there on our three-year wed ding anniversary. He stayed home," Simp son told Jane magazine. "On that day, everything became so clear. I was in hospitals with all these sick kids . . . I just knew I needed to find something more in my life, on my own."
My take: You know what? Nobody cares anymore Jessy. Hasn't it been like, over a year since you split from Nick? Why do you insist on continuing talking about it? We get it! You had problems, he did this, you did that. WE. DON'T. CARE! And clearly you are finding something more in your life...misery. Seems nobody wants to date you, and seems that guys who aren't dating you sure as hell don't want to be "known" as dating you...despite well placed gossip by your pimp. And while I would never encourage dating Vanessa Minnillo, and I doubt it lasts forever, at least Nick is doing his own thing and has shut his yap about the details of your breakup. Your star is fading, and it is like you are cat with the claws out and scratching at the ground because you don't want to be picked up. MOVE ON!
Item #2: Closet Busters. IT'S the week to come out of the closet. Yesterday, "Grey's Anatomy" star T.R. Knight told he was gay after his co-star Isaiah Washington outed him during an on-set fight with Patrick Dempsey. The National

My take: I don't know how true this is about what was said by Isaiah Washington, considering the source is the Enquirer, but I REALLY hope that the word faggot was not used. Used in that context it would be the equivalent had Dempsey used the "N" word. And how shitty to out someone in a way that somehow seems to demean him. What is with the Grey's Anatomy peeps, you got "Meredith" who can't take a joke, and now you have two grown men fighting like boys on a tv set. GROW UP!
Item #3: Matter of Time. ELISABETH Hasselbeck just can't get a break. Not only is she continually butting heads on "The View" with Rosie O'Donnell, but there's now a contest to guess when she'll leave the show.
My take: Cut the bitch loose now. I don't know anyone that likes her. She is an idiot who seems to believe that she is knowledgeable about all worldly things, when in reality her opinion is nothing but a typical narrow minded staunch Republican point of view that sounds limited in experience and scope. She is probably one of those people that loves the gays when it comes to hair, makeup, and styling, but then does a 180 as soon as the cameras are Carrie Underwood. And Elisabeth isn't going to leave, because she would find herself unemployed like her former costar Star Jones. BTW, I hope Elisabeth's son turns out to be gay when he grows up.
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