- When will Kevin Federline realize that NOBODY cares!?!?!?!? [pagesix]
- Paris can't get a Seventeen cover unless she appears in a PSA ad against drunk driving. [pagesix]
- Everybody Loves Raymond's Patricia Heaton has come out swinging against Michael J. Fox's stem cell research political ads. Um...does anyone care what Patty H has to say anymore? She not on tv and the only thing she has done lately is act like she shops at Albertson's in their commercials. [jch]
- Tyra might be getting too fat to be able to tell girls how they should look. The CW has put her on alert that she needs to slim down or she could be replaced on ANTM. Word to that, because girl looks like a f'ing amazon next to all the modely contenders.[mediatakeout]
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