Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Not So News

- Jen and Vin are done, and apparently it has been done for quite some time. I suppose that is what is REALLY supposed to happen when we stop caring about celebrity couples...they just kind of drift apart along with our cares about them...instead of showing up in all kinds of public places together and trying to grab more headlines by denying they are no longer together...Pink Taco and Lohan. [usweekly]

- Madonna becomes a mother...yet again...through the miracle of adoption. Madge and Guy totally pulled an Angelina and Brad and adopted an African baby. She also plans to donate $3 million to help the people of Malawi. At the rate these celebrities are going, all of Africa's children should be adopted by the end of 2010. [reuters]

- For the little kid and nerd in all of us, The Jay blog has pictures and video from the set of the upcoming Transformers movie.

- Ryan Phillippe told Rolling Stone that he was “plastered” at the Golden Globes last year as a result of downing bottles of wine with Shirley MacLaine. “[We] drank like crazy, putting away bottles of wine and making fun of everyone. " HEEEYYY...sounds exactly like my Saturday night, only with a bunch of jackass homos at the gay bar instead of celebrities...unless YOU count that one that brings the weather forecast to you everynight on channel 36, because I sure as hell don't. [justjared]

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