Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Not So News 10/25/2006

- Babs has raised her diva demands to include bomb sniffing dogs and metal detectors at all her concerts for the rest of her tour. She has also requested that security be dressed in plain clothes...and neatly at that...not unlike loss prevention at Wal-Mart. I mean...if she is afraid someone is gonna kill her for her opinion about George W, then she should just keep her big yap shut. I just hope someone doesn't sneak in and hide a bomb in her right nostril. [pagesix]

- Gwen Stefani's new single, Wind It Up, has been leaked on the net, and for a lack of better words, it made me throw up a little bit in my mouth. And to clarify, I didn't throw up because it was so good. It was actually...the opposite of good, with all the yodaling in the beginning and the mish mash of sound. It kind of sounds like Fergie gone much more horribly wrong than she did with her album. If the rest of Gwen's album is like the first single, then I hope she doesn't get all huffy with MTV again this year when she is nominated for NOTHING. Get back with No Doubt already and drop this solo act already. Her album is supposed to drop December 5.

- Elizabeth Hassenback gets raped twice and murdered on Law & Order: SVU, and The View's Elisabeth Hasselback believes it refers to her and takes offense and feels traumatized by the episode. You know what...FINALLY someone in the entertainment industry has let their feelings be known about that dumbass. Granted, being raped twice and then murdered is probably a bit extreme, but what are you gonna do. She has now made it clear that she will not allow any actors from SVU appear on The View, because she would be uncomfortable sitting next to them. Um...Elisabeth, hun, last time I checked you weren't Barbara, Rosie, or that big bald man that Meredith used to make fun of all the time, which means you don't really have a say who sits next to you or not. And besides, the actors were just doing their job and don't have much to do with the script. You can watch the segment here. Joy defends her, but I know that on the inside she is running through a sunny meadow with glee proclaiming "Elizabeth Hassenback is dead ya'll".[bwe]

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