Friday, October 27, 2006

David Banda is like a Louis Vuitton

Sharon Osbourne has opened her heinous mouth to give her opinion about Madonna's adoption of lil' David Banda. Why? I don't know. Who asked? I don't know. All I know is that she is ignunt. I have nothing against Sharon, and truth be told she IS my favorite Osbourne, but the lip. When asked her opinion on The Howard Stern show:

It’s a crock of shit. If she wants to help the kid she should have got the father a little trade going, a fruit stand or something like that and built him a mud hut. If the kid is sick then get him a doctor, what was the father supposed to do, he can’t read or write. She should have left him in his own culture, that is what I say. Madonna should have given the money to an orphanage, got them a 24-hour paramedic. She bought a baby for God’s sake. It’s like getting a Louis Vuitton handbag.”

First off...DO NOT compare this cute as a button little kid to a Louis Vuitton. At least do him the courtesy and compare him to Fendi. I know all my black girlfriends fall all over a Fendi before they would a Louis. Second, and like D-listed has pointed out, what in the hell has she done for anyone other than herself or her own children? What has she done to help out the other poor unfotunate kids, like me, of the world who have NOTHING? She has not done a thing. Meanwhile, Madonna has jumped on the Jolie-Pitt bandwagon and is using her celebrity to help a kid out. Only the difference with Madonna is she kept quiet about it until the process was almost complete, unlike the Jolie-Pitts who have to make a complete spectacle of themselves everytime they need to drum up some publicity just to know they are still worth talking about. [dlisted]

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