Since when in hell does the opening of a Salon owned by a fugly overaged wannabe twinky homo with "gay face" call for a red carpet? I it necessary...REALLY necessary? I don't think so, but of course Ken Paves, had his main hags (who all seem to be freshly single) out to celebrate the opening of the self-titled salon, Ken Paves Salon. I wonder where Kenny would be if he didn't have these girls? Oh that's right, he would be at Supercuts charging the normal price of $12 for a haircut.

First off, Jessy is looking hit these days. Hit by a dumptruck hit, not hit as in I wanna hit that. Being forced to wear the crappy clothes and shoes in her clothing line is d

oing nothing to help her either. Second, Eva Longoria looks tragic in that dress, and even moreso with that hair color. Her hair was SO much hotter when it was dark. Ken Paves is absolutely hideous and he kind of scares me, and it seems like he has stolen his look from the Scarecrow from the Batman animated series, which really doesn't help be the judge. Now, Carmen Electra looks okay, except for the dress. It isn't cute.
It is sort of funny how Jessy and Kenny have similar haircuts. Short in the back and all long and busy on the top and in the front. Coincidence...I think not. I wonder if Ken Paves can cut his own hair, or if Jessy does it for him? I am just saying is all.

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