Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Not So News

- Cingular will be the exclusive carrier for the Apple iPhone when it is launched in early 2007. [thinksecret]

- Hayden Panettiere gets wasted at the Teen Vogue Young Hollywood Party. Is she even old enough to drink anything other than formula? [bastardly]

- Paris Hilton has been charged with a DUI in her recent drunk driving incident. I wonder if a person can get a life sentence and/or the death penalty for misdemeanor charges? [TMZ]

- Miss Cleo tells all. She once told all she was psychic, but now she is telling all that she is a big lez. My powers clearly aren't working, because I didn't see that one coming...or is it because I don't...really...care? Good for her anyway...I am so glad that Lance Bass came out, because he has now paved the way for former celelbrities and former late night informercial hosts who ripped off millions to follow his lead. Kudos Candy Bar to both of them. [advocate]

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