- Elisabeth Hasselback has been unable to control her big Republican cry baby emotions now that Rosie has been added to The View. Is she crying because of her political views or the fact that she will be collecting unemplurment with Star Jones next year? [dlisted]
- Looks like the bulimicly thin models are going to have to learn how to keep their food down, as the "no skinny model" policy seems like it might spread far and near. [socialitelife]
- David Duchovny has sweaty ass crack? WHA?!?!? [sno]
- "Jessica and Ashlee will reap the dismal crops they are sowing. Their breasts will sag and their faces will wither and they will be left with nothing but a hollow shell." This from a man of the cloth. Wonder why he says nothing about Joe pimping them out to fill his own offering plate? [socialitelife]
- Anna Nicole is making money off her son's death and he isn't even in the ground yet. Good to know that his life is worth all of $650K. Whatever happened to common decency and respect for the dead?[nydailynews]
- The cast of Smallville was on hand for the CW Launch Party for Smallville. Is it just me or is this one of the best damn looking casts on television? I can't say a bad word about the appearance of any of these people...well...Aaron Ashmore doesn't do a whole lot for me, but the rest of them are heaven. Oh, and according to Michael Ausiello, Tori Spelling will be appearing on Smallville this season. [justjared]
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