Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Not So News

- Marc Jacobs is the best of NYC Fashion Week. Wish I could be there. [socialitelife]

- Tyra Banks is...well probably not the beast best person to have as your bff...especially when she gets all dramatic on her show with Nicole Richie about how the razzi's make her life so hard, but at the same time someone in her camp allegedly tipped them off about their day of shopping at the .99 Store. Tyra Banks' show sucks anyway. [fadedyouth]

- Hollywood Hustler, Hooker, Rentboy...whatever you want to call it is penning a tell all book and is naming names of some BIG name clients in Hollywood. Read an excerpt here. [hollywoodinterrupted]

- Looks like Katie really wasn't worth all the money that CBS threw at her to get her to move to CBS Evening News. That program is back in last place after people's initial curiosity disappeared after the first week. Can't say I didn't see that one I right ladies? I wouldn't be surprised if she fell below reruns of the Simpsons that play on my local Fox Station at 5:30.[jossip]

- Martha Stewart likes to moonlight as a vampire, proven true when she licked blood off Dave Letterman's finger...his blood. That can't be healthy...has she ever heard of blood born pathogens? I think OSHA should be called immediately. [dlisted]

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