Friday, September 15, 2006

Jordan who?

Remember when Jordan Knight tried to launch a comeback and that comeback included an album launch and signing party in the Wal-Mart Fine Accessories Department? I don't remember either, because I wasn't there and it is a good thing because I would have laughed in his face. I mean...there comes a time when you just need to hang up your hat and call it a damn day okay. That day has come for Jordan Knight. NKOTB is done, you are done, and would probably do good to just use your experience or talents to produce albums or to clean the offices of production companies. SOMETHING! Luckily, there was one photographer who caught all the action.

Jordan warms up his wrist for the estimated 1's of 10's of people that he thinks are just dying to see him, because Lord knows this boy hasn't signed an cassette tape album since the late 80's before CD's even existed.

Now, all he has to do is sit and wait for the store manager to unlock the front doors for his excited fans and he will totally be back on top. What? The store is open 24 hours and the doors are always unlocked. Oh...sheesh...that's rough. BTW, is that his bodyguard in the brown stripes...or is it someone from loss prevention there to keep him from stealing toilet paper, but dressed as a regular customer so that Jordan never notices that someone is watching him?

Finally, someone recognizes him, and by the looks of her 100% denim ensemble, lace scrunchie, black roots, and country fried hair, I have a feeling she is still playing NKOTB in the tape deck of her Camaro. I am sure she is sporting some Keds and totally carrying a Liz Claiborne bag.

Of course, the day would not be complete without a visit from Jordan's biggest fan. That's right, I said it...his BIGGEST fan. And you can say..."Charlie you are going to hell for that one", but honey...the joke's on you...I am already going to hell for being a fag. But like I have said before, I will not be going to hell before the inventor of this doll. This concludes the Jordan Knight Wal-Mart tour. I wonder what is going through his mind after doing this? To have fallen so's a shame. On the bright side, at least we can estimate that he at least sold two CD's that day, which isn't really a bright side when you consider that William Hung sold like 26 copies of his album. Jordan gets a "Poor Eve" from me.

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