Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Heart Vs. Mind

Okay, kids, I have been kind of mentally exhausted the last couple days and I am not going to blog gossip today. Instead, I wrote a short/long poem and I present it to you here. Call it what you want...long, cheesy, sappy, stupid...I don't care. Comment if you like...or not. These are my words:

Heart Vs. Mind
by: Me (Charlie)
In a constant battle are the heart and the mind,
The heart seeking, no fear of loving blind.
The mind struggling with all it has witnessed and seen,
never letting the heart start over fresh, clean.
The mind takes control trying to overpower,
bullying the heart into a corner to cower.
The mind never learning they should work together,
cooperating in unison to live for the better.
The mind foolishly and arrogantly believing it knows best,
but doesn't feel the yearning, the burning in the chest.
Only remembering sadness, remembering the seering pain,
never wanting to ever relive that again.
So quick to forget the things that made it soar,
easily recalling the times it was left craving so much more.
The heart always relentless and true to its desire,
prohibiting the mind from extinguishing the fire.
The heart tries different keys to unlock a previous life,
A remembered life that cuts like a knife.
the cuts pumping blood, breath into dormant emotions,
the mind balking at that very notion.
The heart living free of reason,
demanding to be followed or risk treason.
One single memory makes the heart race,
Recollections of love bring a smile to the face.
It sparks one memory after another,
until the mind falls asunder.
The mind begins to relive the good time,
the bad things fall by the wayside.
The heart heals what's left of the wounds,
it repairs a faith that was once so ruined.
Despite taking time to do its mending,
its efforts are tireless and neverending.
The mind no longer putting up a fight,
The heart explodes with delight.
The impenetrable fortress falls to the ground,
The heart shakes itself off to the lights and sound.
Never forget that the heart wants what it wants,
until you give it what it needs, it teases and taunts,
The heart is something wild that cannot be tamed
and nothing ventured is nothing gained.
Never allow the opportunity to love pass by
Try as you might, love is something you can’t deny.
It will hurt even more thinking "what might have been",
throwing your mind and emotions in a tailspin.
Despite the warnings that it could very well break,
it is a risk that the heart is always willing to take.
In the end to the mind a lesson to learn,
that along with the heart there is life after hurt.
Just be mindful that it’s just the beginning, not the end,
and that nothing will ever be the same again.

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