Monday, August 28, 2006

Your call may be recorded for quality assurance

WILL IT?!?!?!? Can I just say, that in my time with my job and no actual IT department, I have had to do more than my fair share of calling some tech support line to Dell alone, usually getting some hillbilly or an Asian person that I can't understand. I LOATHE calling support lines, much like I LOATHE high water pants, clown makeup, and Vanessa Minnillo. Well, I had to make a call to Kodak's toll free support number last week (when my dad's digital camera's flash stopped working), AFTER going through an online form that was supposed to help me bypass the support line. The interactive troubleshooting was to eventually lead me to a form to fill out and print along with instructions as to where to send it. Well, I fill out the form, submit it, and wait for my instructions to send it off. Did those instructions magically appear? HELL TO THE NO. After spending 30 minutes trying to find more info on their website, I kept getting redirected to fill out the form again and again and again. I was THROUGH. I eventually called Kodak's help line where I reached an Indian woman Abby, who was surprisingly understandable. I immediately told her my situation before she could ask me any questions, our dialogue end like this:
Abby (A): Thank you for calling Kodak support, how may I help you?
Charlie (C): Yes, I am calling about my Kodak camera that I need to send in to be repaired. I went through the troubleshooting part online, filled out the interactive form, and it said I would be provided with directions about where to send it and what to do, but that information never came to me on the screen, in email, or otherwise.
A: Uh huh. Okay, have you gone through the interactive form and troubleshooting guide?
(When she asked me that, I thought...did this bitch JUST NOT HEAR what I said to her? Is this really going to be one of those calls? WHY GOD WHY can't my father do this himself?)
C: Yes, as I already stated, I did go through that form. All I need is the address to send the camera to.
A: Uh huh. Are you interested in a trade in option?
C: No, ma'am, I would just like the address and instructions telling me how to send the camera in.
A: Uh huh. Do you have the reference number provided to you by the website?
C: I tell her the number.
A: Uh huh. Let me check that, one moment please.
C: (thinking) Why does this woman keep saying "uh huh" one second before I finish my sentence?
A: Okay, thank you for holding can you please verify your name, address, and email?
C: I give her all that information.
A: Uh huh, now to verify your email, is it........?
C: Yes, that is correct.
A: Uh huh. Okay, are you aware that there will be a charge of $75 to repair this camera, do you still want to proceed?
C: Yes, I am aware, and yes I want to proceed.
A: Uh huh. Okay, I am going to transfer you to a recording that will provide you with the information you need to send your camera to be fixed.
C: Okay, thank you.
A: Uh huh. Is there anything else I can help you with today?
C: No, that is all.
A: Uh huh. Please hold while I transfer and have a great day.
C: Uh huh. Thank you.
She transfers me to a computer.
Recording: Thank you for calling Kodak repair center...Please listen to our menu options as they have changed. To have a copy of the instructions faxed to you please press 2.
Of course silly me much easier would that be than scribbling all this mess down? I immediately press 2 after hearing my third option.
R: Please enter your fax number, area code first.
I punch that information in only to get this recorded message...
R: I am sorry, but that particular voicemail box is full, please hang up and dial again.
I about had a stroke and I slammed the phone down in frustration. Luckily the woman emailed the instructions to my dad's email as well. FYI, the camera is still sitting on my desk to be sent out.

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