I don't have Oxygen at home, but I sometimes catch Janice's show at they gym every once in a while, but it is episodes like this that make me want to immediately subscribe to the network. I love how this is just a wreck from the beginning to end. First the model thinks George W. is the vice president, to which Janice says models know nothing (or something to that effect), and then to watch Janice dancing in the background to give the model some hot tips on dancing in a rap video is funny, but the icing on the cake comes when Janice pours herself into the chair and falls down to the ground. The best part is the fall happens in segments. The chair goes back, it hits the guy next to her, she begins to fall, pauses in midfall, and then falls to the ground, gets up and blames her fall on the fact that she has been on a plane and has on high heels. I think it has less to do with a plane ride and high heels than she is probably just high. Then again, I, personally, can't count how many times a long plane ride and heels have kept me from sitting down in a chair properly. Priceless.
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